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Adivina la cancion..

Los famosos que aparecen en las imagenes son los que escribieron la cancion.
El premio son dos collage de quien quieras.

  • It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters And make fun of our exes, uh uh, uh uh. It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight To fall in love with strangers.
  • We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain We jumped never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell. A love no one could deny.
  • Mira.Mirame a los ojos.Serás capaz de esconderme la verdad.Tonto no vez, que el silencio no te ayuda, De que sin piedad me estás rompiendo el corazón En dos, en diez, en mil.
  • Hey baby.Tell me your name I got a fever for you I just can't explain But there's just one problem I'm a bit old school When it comes to lovin' I ain't chasing you Ain't waiting I'm on a roll You've got to let yourself go
  • It's the boy you never told 'I like you' It's the girl you let get away It's the one you saw that day on the train But you freaked out and walked away
  • Atte: ~Señora~Tomlinson~★

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GotoDupeyrónAchagaO 11-02-2014 08:30

2ºWrecking Ball
3ºUn Juego Para Ti
5ºHit The Lights
Los 2 Collages De Tay!Por Fis...
Ah,Y Hazlo Cuando Quieras No Tengo Apuro =).
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GrupoDeFamosos 11-02-2014 08:26

Tienen que pertenecer al grupo y estar registradas para jugar!:

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