Europe Mu The Return
English- Hello users'm the administrator of europe mu, I've been thinking about a vote that will have several options that you will elect one that is to your liking.
Below appoints each of the options.
Option one would you get to Reset Number 180 BK and you obtain your pack Full Kit + 15 + 16 Stats Full (32767).
Option two would be receive a BK with Full Stats without levelear but this time without pack Full Kit.
Option three would receive kit pack Full + 15 + 16 for your BK.
The last option four would normally play without BK Full or full pack kit.
Spanish- Hola usuarios soy el administrador de europe mu, he estado pensando en hacer una votación que tendrá varias opciones en las que ustedes eligiran una que sea de su agrado.
A Continuación les nombrare cada una de las opciones.
La opción uno seria de que llegues al Reset Numero 180 con tu BK y obtengas Kit pack Full+15+16 Y Stats Full (32767).
La opción dos seria de recibir un BK con Stats Full sin necesidad de levelear pero esta vez sin Kit pack Full.
La opción tres seria de recibir kit pack Full+15+16 para tu BK.
La opción cuatro y ultima seria de jugar normalmente sin BK Full o kit pack full.
Reset Number 180 and you obtain your pack Full Kit + 15 + 16 Stats Full.17 77.3%
Receive a BK with Full Stats without levelear but this time without pack Full Kit.2 9.1%
Normally play without BK Full or full pack kit.2 9.1%
Receive kit pack Full +15+16 for your BK.1 4.5%
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